Minnesota’s Career and Technical Student Organizations
Business Professionals of America (BPA) supports careers in business management, information technology, finance, office administration and other related career fields. BPA contributes to the preparation of a world-class workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills. BPA provides educational experiences that further develop social intelligence, civic consciousness, leadership skills and self-esteem for its members. BPA serves middle school, high school and college students.
The mission of DECA is to enhance the education of all students with interests in marketing, management or entrepreneurship. DECA assists students in developing skills and competencies for marketing careers, while building self-esteem, experiencing leadership, and providing community services. DECA serves both high school and college students.
FCCLA strives to promote personal development and leadership, through family and consumer sciences education for the multiple roles of: Family members, Wage earners and Community leaders. Members develop skills for life Through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, Practical knowledge and career preparation. FCCLA serves both middle school and high school students.
The FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agriculture, food and natural resource education. The FFA award and degree programs recognize students for excellence in academics, career development, leadership and community service. FFA serves middle school, high school and college students. PAS (Post-secondary Agriculture Students) also serves college students.
The mission of Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science technology education students, therefore, helping students to meet the needs of the health care community. HOSA is 100% Healthcare in all events and activities! HOSA serves middle school, high school and college students.
SkillsUSA provides students pursuing technical and industrial education a framework that includes personal, workplace and technical skills, creating a seamless transition into the workforce. SkillsUSA creates opportunities for students, educators and business through leadership training, volunteerism opportunities, competitions and conferences, which enhance students’ self-worth and employability skills. SkillsUSA serves both high school and college students.